Happy October, everyone! I can't believe this year is almost over, and that it's only 12 more Friday's until Christmas! Have a good weekend!
Please follow your hosts on one or more Social Media Platforms.
We'd love to connect! Let us know you're following from the party. We'd love to follow you back!
We're excited to welcome Alexandra from Eye Love Knots to the party as our newest co-host! Please stop by and welcome her to the party! Be sure to follow her SM, too.We'd love to connect! Let us know you're following from the party. We'd love to follow you back!
Each hostess chooses her own features, so be sure to stop by for a visit.
Beverly and Gloria
Across the Blvd
(Pin / Twitter / FB / Instagram)
Across the Blvd
(Pin / Twitter / FB / Instagram)
Sew Crafty Crochet
(Pin / Twitter / FB / Instagram)
Sew Crafty Crochet
(Pin / Twitter / FB / Instagram)
This Autoimmune Life
(Pin / Twitter / FB / Instagram)
This Autoimmune Life
(Pin / Twitter / FB / Instagram)
We'd love for you to add our party logo to your party page!
Snickerdoodle Create Bake Make Link Party Features
Features are pinned to our Party Board.
Please Pin From the Original Source.
Add your featured posts here with photos and a text link to the post
Let others know you were featured by displaying our Featured Post Image on your blog.
Party Guidelines
Claire Justine shared these adorable Halloween BerryWorld Strawberry Ghosts!

White House Crafts shared these cute DIY Turkey Balloons. Too fun!

Clean and Scentsible shared this recipe for Slow Cooker Apple Crisp. Yum!

Across the Boulevard shared this awesome Spooky Halloween Clock. Love this!

Most Featured:
White House Crafts shared this DIY Cinderella Glitter Pumpkin With a Free Cut File. Yay!

Thanks for stopping by!